It seems so unfair, but many of the patients we see must deal with not only signs of aging, but also acne breakouts at the same time. Fortunately, we have yet to find a case of adult acne which wasn’t able to be effectively controlled with an individualized treatment plan which addresses the patient’s causes of their acne. These are always unique to the patient and often complex, but if time is taken to work through them, dramatic changes can happen. Our goal for every patient is to first essentially eliminate any new breakouts. This can happen through use of diet, medications such as Retin-A, inflammation-blockers, exfoliants, antibiotics and often even gentle bioidentical hormonal support if hormones are part of the root cause. BBL (Broad Band Light) and lasers can offer many a faster, and often more lasting solution.

Once active acne is no longer an issue, BBL, Halo and Profractional fractional lasers, Photorevelation (1064), PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), subscision, TCA and fillers can do amazing things to resolve the remaining signs that a patient once suffered from acne. These can help even out pigment and soften even the worst cystic scars. Please note that treatment of acne scars almost always requires a series of treatments over time.

Some of our happiest and most rewarding patients are acne patients who no longer have anything to cover and are proud of their makeup-optional skin! Because acne and scarring can be very time-consuming and gradual, and we do not take insurance, we regret that we are unable to take on new acne patients who hope only to mitigate their acne with diet, creams and oral medications - we are the best office for those who are combining these modalities with our wide range of lasers and procedures. Call 775-298-1750 or email us at to schedule a consultation and evaluate your options.